Looking for the perfect gift this year?! Check out my list below for some great foodie and wellness ideas! Gift an Annual Cooking Club Membership! Looking for a gift that keeps on giving? Give the gift of a whole year of nourishing meals! (Use code GIFTLOVE for $30...
In the most recent Q&A, a member asked what is usually on my Thanksgiving and Christmas table. With Thanksgiving right around the corner, I wanted to answer it sooner rather than later! With most of the classic Thanksgiving foods being beige and mushy, I like to...
Is it even Halloween if you don’t have some kind of chocolate peanut butter treat!? Below is a list of 7 of my favorite homemade chocolate PB treats that are lightly sweetened with a combo of healthy fats, fiber, and protein so you won’t get that blood...
Nutrition labels are confusing and food manufacturers are really good at tricking us by making packaging look “healthy” with buzzwords and design. Being able to quickly scan a nutrition label and know what to look for will help you make healthier choices...
Soups are one of my favorite things to make – they’re so comforting, you can add tons of protein and veggies, and it all comes together in one pot. Plus, leftovers usually taste better the next day, so they’re great for meal prep. Below is a list of...
I’ve gotten a lot of requests for suggestions on what to eat for easy work lunches. So below are my top tips along with some suggested make-ahead recipes! 1. Leftovers are your best friend! This is my favorite strategy for easy lunches because it pretty much requires...