Now Is the perfect time to learn how to improvise in the kitchen As we all sit at home during this quarantine either alone or with friends or family, we are forced to get creative — think of games, tasks, and projects to keep us busy and ways to help and connect with...
What to eat before, during, and after a race One of the most common questions I get from runners is “what should I eat the night before a big race? What about during and after?”. I recently taught a cooking class to a group of women where we talked about and made some...
Why You REALLY Need More Tahini In Your Life It’s no secret that I’m a tahini addict. I slather it on everything from smoothies and oatmeal bowls to roasted veggies and yogurt with fruit. When mixed with lemon juice, salt, and water it magically turns into an amazing,...
I don’t believe in counting calories and macronutrients (carbs, protein, fat). It takes too much time and makes eating way too stressful and more stress is the last thing you need! Instead, I like to focus on making sure I’m getting in all my micronutrients. This...
One of the most common questions I get from clients is “what should I be eating before and after a run?”. While there are some general tips that can help guide you in the right direction, you have to remember that everyone digests foods differently. Some people have...